Face Cream Good For Windburn Of course it’s not just Moms who need to look after their skin; particularly out on the water when the full force of both the wind and sun are at play; but there’s no doubting that Moms are certainly some of the most conscious of such issues, typically being the most sensible member of the family. For unmistakably sunny days there is of course … [Read more...]
Is the RYA PB2 Course Worth Doing?
You don’t need to be a seasoned skipper to spot a maverick boat operator when you see one. Spend any length of time on the shores of a lake or in a marina on a busy summer’s day and you won’t have to wait long to see someone strike a pontoon or ‘swamp’ the water behind their boat with their outboard. Suffice to say it’s well worth doing a course to learn the basic knowledge … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Taking Your Dog Boating
Personally I’m more of a boat person, but I have a lot of friends who are also dog people, so much so in fact that a question I’ve been asked a number of times is ‘would it be safe if I bought the dog along for an afternoon’s boating’ or words to that effect. It’s a really good question, and well in need of answering in my opinion. I’ve done a fair bit of research on the … [Read more...]
Do I Need Tinted Windows On My Boat?
Tinted windows are a contentious issue among boat owners; some people swear by them for their glare reduction and the enhanced visual appeal they give to their boat, while others see them as at best unnecessary, and at worst a dangerous visibility inhibitor, particularly at night. Tinted windows can indeed be a benefit in every way, you just have to make sure you pick the … [Read more...]